Why is pay spiralling?
Pay ChristineM Armstrong Pay ChristineM Armstrong

Why is pay spiralling?

Last week, accounting network @MGI Worldwide invited me to speak and host panels in Asia, Europe & the Americas… in one day. Interestingly, almost every market reported challenges with keeping talent and escalating pay rises. In interviews I’ve heard of people being offered pay rises 50% or more for senior jobs.

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When you SHOULD work for free
Pay ChristineM Armstrong Pay ChristineM Armstrong

When you SHOULD work for free

I’m often confronted with the question: when is it a good idea to work for free?

There’s a LOT of heat online about why you should not work unpaid. Especially women. Especially if offered ‘exposure’ in return. (Scroll through ForExposure’s feed on Twitter for shocking stories of why people should invest their skills in projects with zero budgets.) Makes total sense, right?

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