Failing for 15 years: habits that work
New Year Christine Armstrong New Year Christine Armstrong

Failing for 15 years: habits that work

At my girls’ boarding school, our running groups were sorted alphabetically by fruit: the Apples were the stars, Bananas were pretty good. My friend Emily and I were Ugli fruits, and fought hard to never get promoted for fear we might have to break a sweat in a race.

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2022. Buckle up with a fighter pilot.
New Year ChristineM Armstrong New Year ChristineM Armstrong

2022. Buckle up with a fighter pilot.

Happy New Year!!

We all need a boost this week to I went to visit Mandy Hickson, former RAF fighter pilot turned motivational speaker, to get her advice on how to soar into 2022. She was full of laughter, despite being unable to book into her regular spinning classes, due to all the New Years Resolutioners turning up to hyperventilate (aka me).

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