The 6 models of work: choose very carefully!

The team is eyebrow-deep in research interviews about what is going on in the world of work now: inflation, hardship funds, big office decisions, title escalation, budget cuts. There is so much for us to get into this autumn.

But let’s start with a picture of where things are now and the six working options:

The headline is that most people who can work in hybrid are doing so: management consultancy AWA’s survey (skewedtoward larger businesses) found average office attendance in the UK was only 1.3 days a week. A Gallup poll in the US showed that more than 90% of those who can work remotely have no desire to return to the office full-time.

But there is a strong counter-current from senior levels (see my post from last week) to sweep people back into the office,with one leader saying (privately as yet) that he is only giving pay rises to people who turn up at the office five days a week.

The question people keep asking is, will hybrid stay or be some brief madness that we remember from the summer of 2022 along with Rooney vs Vardy?

My answer: the future of the office is separating into six streams. or models, of working.

And the number one thing people moving jobs are looking at is the working model.

Which means that success will depend on matching your model to your brand identity, working practices and, most importantly, the desires of your talent pool.

We’ll be talking about the pros and cons of these streams through the autumn.

Next week 

The impact of the recession on the multi-streams—and the people who work in them.



Where are the grown ups? (not in the office)

