Are we…out of touch?

Stand up—don’t worry, you can do it mentally if you’re on the train. Now, sit down if you’ve not heard of:

Chunkz, The Sidemen, Nella Rose, KSI, Niko Omilana, Filly.

This is how Milimo Banji (known as Mils), CEO of TapIn, rather brilliantly shamed a whole lot of us (predominantly white) HR people at a recent Economist conference.

Hardly anyone recognised these mega influencers, who are as familiar to my 12 year old as Jane Garvey and Jeremy Clarkson are to me. But, why should I care? Well if I’m trying to hire them, then maybe I should.

On the vlog, Mils shares this and other advice on hiring young, black and brown talent. Enjoy, & follow him if you’re interested in learning more.

Since then I’ve started watching the YouTube channels of some of these influencers. You can just follow them on Instagram if you don’t have TikTok…

(Also, shout out to some senior execs I had dinner with recently who asked what TikTok was! 🤯)

Next Week

Work travel is back: a refresher of all the rules you may have forgotten.



What if a 20% pay-cut for all-remote is a very smart strategy?


Rees-Mogg and lies leaders tell themselves