How to x100 your hybrid productivity

The question I’m always asked is whether home or office work is more productive. And for all the data reports on this, there isn’t a conclusive pattern (despite what the Daily Mail shouts).

But I have a hypothesis...

It’s something I’ve started picking up in interviews, but speaking to someone who runs a contact centre last week made it really clear:

📈 Remote working is great for high performers—they focus better and get more done. At the contact centre they sell more.

😬 But for those struggling, they struggle more. They lack what Sam Barber (who does our deep dives into remote & hybrid practice in teams) defines as the tacit learning—rather than explicit learning—that comes from working alongside others.

Which creates one of the biggest challenges of hybrid. Especially for managers.

Does this ring true for you? Please share your take and experiences as we’ll be digging into this over the next few weeks. Especially if you are perhaps someone who struggles without that tacit knowledge.

Next week

Easter Break!

We’ll be back on 21 April with the fabulous Rob Cross (who was on before to talk about his previous book Beyond Collaboration Overload) to discuss his new book The Microstress Effect, and finding out what the magic top ten percenters know that the rest of us don’t.

In the mean time, please do eat ALL The Eggs 🐣



How to manage stress like the top 10%


5 best team tips to boost productivity 💥