Stop using Gen Z as an excuse!

The latest Microsoft Work Trend Index (31,000 people in 31 markets) has landed, and shows that 51% of organisations plan to return to full-time office hours by the end of the year. At the same time, a majority of employees say they prefer to mix work between the office and home. Perhaps this fundamental disagreement is why 41% of employees say they are considering leaving their jobs…

But does that include young people?

Everywhere I go, I hear older workers saying: ‘It’s the young people I worry about—they need us to go back to the office full-time.’ And while research from Glassdoor in the UK last year showed that 18-24 year-olds were more keen to return to offices, that doesn’t mean they want to be in all the time.

Last week, our team interviewed 20 young people to find out what they think about working from home versus the office. Everyone we talked to was under 30 (so Gen Z or young Millennial) and currently working in an office in the UK(including Edinburgh, Leicester, London, Liverpool, Belfast, Essex and Kent).

Watch to see what they had to say:

Next week 

I'm speaking at the Economist—free link here—and will be sharing what I learn from the other speakers.



Time to get tough with your board!


The power of work you love